Non Res News Articles

Author: Damien Williams

Non Res News

Coronavirus in South Africa

In light of the President’s announcements last night regarding the government’s response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we would like to let our clients, colleagues, partners and friends know that we are

Budget Summary 2024
Non Res News

National Budget Speech Summary 2020

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni stepped up to the lectern with his Aloe Ferox plant in hand today, to deliver to the nation the annual Budget Speech, setting out the government’s plan for

Exclusive Use Areas
Non Res News

Exclusive Use Areas In Sectional Title Properties

Following on from our article on Buying in a Sectional Title Scheme, we delve a bit more deeply into Sectional Title Schemes, more specifically Exclusive Use Areas (EUA). To recap, a Sectional

Non Res News

Home Staging: Tips & Tricks To Help You

You’ve decided to sell your home and of course you want to get the most you can for it, but how do you make it stand out from all the other properties

Foreign Exchange

Foreign Exchange & Transferring Money Abroad

From Trump to the constant uncertainty around Brexit, China’s growing influence throughout the world and the current situations in Iran and Syria, it’s safe to say the world is a rather unpredictable